Sunday, November 2, 2014


Sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing to do.

I had to make a really hard decision this week.

I had to crush someone's heart. 

I felt it was the right decision.
I feel peace about it.

So then why do I feel like a murderer?

Someone gave me their heart.
I thought someone loved me.
I thought someone trusted me.

And I had to try to shove his heart back into his chest without breaking it,
which is much harder than it sounds.

I didn't want to break his heart.
I didn't want to break mine.

But I had to.

We are too young.
We both need some growing up to do.
A few more heartbreaks to get us toughened up.
A few more high school crushes to crush us.

Sometimes it takes a heart dying to realize you need to be more careful with it.
I just wish I didn't have to be the one to destroy his.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't want to break his heart.
    I didn't want to break mine.

    But I had to.

    I know how that one goes.
