Sunday, October 12, 2014

let's walk through the night

Let's walk through the night.

With just the dim, flickering streetlamps to light our way.

It may be cold, but at least you'll be there with me.

We could look at the stars, try to find the brightest one,

Try to imagine pictures up there arranged by angels.

Look up at the moon and try to remember the name of the phase it's in.

We could just look at our surroundings.

All in the same shade of dark blue that night blankets the world in.

See the edges of the mountain highlighted by the moonlight.

Or maybe we could just close our eyes and listen.

The crickets sing their lullaby to the world.

Silence being it's steady accompaniment.

Maybe we could just talk.

Forget how the cool, crisp air is making our throat sore.

The night gives a certain protection to our words, like the sky is saying it will keep our secret.

Protecting us from eavesdropping ears.

The best conversations always happen at night.

The best stories come from the night.

The best times with you always come from the night.

So let's walk through the night.

Let's walk through together.