Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The boy with the guitar

Give me the boy with the guitar
The one that can make me forget the crap in my life
By just plucking a few strings
And taking my breath away

Give me the boy with the smile
The one that makes my head spin around and my heart stop beating
By just breaking through like the sun
And brightening my day

Give me the boy with the smirk
The one that makes me want to strangle him and kiss him at the same time
By driving me insane
And making me love him even more

Give me the boy with the mind
The one that intrigues me and makes me want to know what makes it tick
By puzzling me more every day
And making me want to sort through the pieces

Give me the boy with the voice
The one that makes me laugh harder and love stronger
By just singing a few lines
Or saying a few words

Give me the boy
The one that I know is there

Please just come out
And meet the girl with the broken heart
Who has always been here

1 comment:

  1. i just read this... i know it was from a while ago but thank you for writing it.
    thanks for saying the truth,
    i dream this too, just not in any way as perfectly thought as this.

    beautifully written.
